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Week 8

Class 1: Monday

1.  PRE-WORK:  Sec. 3.8 Implicit Differentiation.

  • Please complete these pre-notes for our Sec. 3.8 Implicit Differentiation class.

  • To do so, watch:

    • ​Sec. 3.8 Introduction to Implicit Functions video. (10 min)

    • Sec. 3.8 Introduction to Implicit Differentiation video.  (5 min)

    • Sec. 3.8 Example of Implicit Differentiation video.  (7 min)

    • Sec. 3.8 Second Example of Implicit Differentiation video.  (8 min)​

2. IN-CLASS WORK: Sec. 3.8 Implicit Differentiation

  • We will use these notes for our Sec. 3.8 Implicit Differentiation class.

3. POST WORK​: Sec. 3.8 Implicit Differentiation

Class 2 Tuesday:

4.  PRE-WORK:  Sec. 3.9 Derivatives of Logs and Exponentials

  • Please complete these pre-notes for our Sec. 3.9 Derivatives of Exponentials and Logarithms class.

  • To do so watch:

    • George Christoph's Origin of Logarithms video. (4 min)​

    • Sec. 3.9 (Brief) Review of Logarithms video. (6 min)

    • Sec. 3.9 Derivative of the natural log video.  (5 min)

    • Sec. 3.9 Derivatives of Exponential Functions video.  (5 min)

5.  IN-CLASS WORK:  Sec. 3.9 Derivatives of Exponentials and Logarithms

  • We will use these notes for our Sec. 3.9 Derivatives of Logs and Exponentials class.

6.  POST WORK:  Sec. 3.9 Derivatives of Logs and Exponentials.


Class 3 Wednesday:

7.  PRE-WORK:  Sec. 3.10 Derivatives of Inverse Trig Functions.

  • Please complete these pre-notes for our Sec. 3.10 Derivatives of Inverse Trig Functions class.

  • To do so watch:

    • Sec. 3.10 Review of Inverse Functions video. (11 min)​

    • Sec. 3.10 Find an Inverse Example video.  (5 min)

    • Sec. 3.10 Review of Inverse Trig Functions video.  (13 min)

    • Sec. 3.10 Derivative of ArcSine video.  (6 min)

8.  IN-CLASS WORK: Sec. 3.10 Derivatives of Inverse Trig Functions.

  • We will use these notes for our Sec. 3.10 Derivatives of Inverse Trig Functions class.

9.  POST WORK:  Sec. 3.10 Derivatives of Inverse Trig Functions

  • Derivative of Inverse Cosecant function video.  (6 min)

  • MLM Sec. 3.10 #7 video.

  • Work MLM Sec. 3.10 Homework..

Class 4: Thursday

1.   PRE-WORK Sec. 3.10.5 Catch-Up and Review.

  • Please complete these pre-notes for our Sec. 3.10.5 Catch-Up and Review

2.  IN-CLASS WORK Sec. 3.10.5 Catch-Up and Review  During class work with your partner/group to complete the IN-CLASS WORK for this week.  The class will end with a quiz.

3. Post-Work: Complete the quiz.

Over the weekend:  In addition to completing any assignments, spend 3 hours working on this week's IN-CLASS WORK.

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