Week 2
Monday 27 January Class:
1. PRE-WORK: Sec. 2.2.5 Review
2. IN-CLASS WORK During class work with your partner/group to complete the the previous two IN-CLASS WORKs. The class ends with a quiz.
Tuesday 28 January Class:
1. PRE-WORK: Sec. 2.3 Limit Laws.
Fill out the pre-notes for our Sec. 2.3 Limit Laws class.
To do so, watch:
For Question #22, go to this Desmos Demonstration.
2.IN-CLASS WORK: Sec. 2.3 Limit Laws.
We will use these notes in class.
You will access the Desmos Demonstration for #7.
You will access this Desmos Demonstration for #11.
3. POST-WORK: Sec. 2.3 Limit Laws.
Watch Sec. 2.3 Four Limit Laws video. (7 min). This will help with #14 and #16-18 for IN-CLASS NOTES
All problems on this handout are potential test questions. Here is the KEY.
Work MML Sec. 2.3
Wednesday 29 January Class:
1. PRE-WORK for: Sec. 2.4 Infinite Limits.
Fill out the pre-notes for our Sec. 2.4 Infinite Limits class.
2. IN-CLASS WORK for: Sec. 2.4 Infinite Limits.
We will use these notes in class.
3. POST-WORK for: Sec. 2.4 Infinite Limits.
Work MML Sec. 2.4 Homework.
Here's an extra video comparing 2.3 questions to 2.4 questions.
Thursday 30 January Class:
1. PRE-WORK for: Sec. 2.4.5 (Review #2)
Fill out the pre-notes for our Sec. 2.4.5 review class.
2. IN-CLASS WORK for: Sec. 2.4.5 (Review #2).
We will be working this handout in class.
3. POST-WORK for Sec. 2.4.5 (Review #2).
There will be a take-home quiz handed out at the end of class.
Over the weekend: In addition to completing any assignments, spend 3 hours working on this week's IN-CLASS WORK.