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 Week 13

Class Day 1: Monday

1.  PRE-WORK:  Sec. 4.6 Linearization and Differentials.

  • Please complete these pre-notes for our Sec. 4.6 Linearization and Differentials class.

    • Sec. 4.6 Intro to Linearization video (16 min).

    • Sec. 4.6 Linearization Example 1 video. (7 min)

    • Sec. 4.6 Linearization Example 2 video.  (7 min)

    • Sec. 4.6 Intro to Differentials video. (9 min)

2.  IN-CLASS WORK:  Sec. 4.6 Linearization and Differentials.

  • We will use these notes for our Sec. 4.6 Linearization and Differentials class.

3.  POST WORK:  Sec. 4.6 Linearization and Differentials.

  • Watch these two videos to compare and contrast:

    • Sec. 4.6 Paired Example (Linearization) video.  (7 min)​

    • Sec. 4.6 Paired Example (Differentials) video. (5 min)

  • Work pages 8-12 of the Unit IV Applications Exam Review.

  • Work MML+ Sec. 4.6 Homework due by the middle of week 13

Day 2: Tuesday

1. PRE-WORK:  Sec. 5.1 Areas Beneath Curves

  • Please complete these pre-notes for our Sec. 5.1 Areas Beneath Curves class.​

    • Sec. 5.1  Area Problem Intro video.  (4 min)

    • Sec. 5.1  Area Approximation Example 1 video. (14 min)

    • Sec. 5.1  Area Approximation Further Examples video.  (10 min)

    • Sec. 5.1  Preview of Limit Process video.  (5 min)  

    • Sec. 5.1  Summation Notation Intro video.  (14 min)

2.  IN-CLASS WORK:  Sec. 5.1 Areas Beneath Curves

  • We will use these notes for our Sec. 5.1 Area Beneath Curves class.

3.  POST WORK:  Sec. 5.1 Areas Beneath Curves​​

  • Work #1-3 of the Unit V Review

  • Work MML+ Sec. 5.1 Homework due by the middle of week 14

    • The following video assists with MML for Sec. 5.1.​

Class Day 3: Wednesday

1. PRE-WORK:  Review for Exam IV

  • Here is the review for the applications portion of the exam and KEY.

    • There is a minor error in 27 d, where I dropped a negative sign when taking the derivative of the sine function.​

2.  IN-CLASS WORK:  Review for Exam IV

  • We will use these questions for our Review for Exam IV.  Here is their KEY.

3. POST WORK:   Review for Exam IV

  • Practice Exam IV​

Class Day 4:  Thursday

1. PRE-WORK:  Exam IV Part II

  • Here is the review for the applications portion of the exam and KEY.

    • There is a minor error in 27 d, where I dropped a negative sign when taking the derivative of the sine function.​

  • Here is the practice exam for the application portion of the exam and KEY


  • We will take our Exam IV Part I in class.

3. POST-WORK: None.

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