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Class 1:  Monday

1. PRE-WORK:  Unit II Exam Review

  • Watch Grant Sanderson's Essence of Calculus Ch. 7​, stopping at  5:14.  (5 min)

  • Complete the following Unit II Exam Review for our Exam Review Class

  • Check your answers against the KEY to the Unit II Exam Review.

    • Errors in KEY:​  (If you find an error in the key not listed below, submit it for a bonus point.)​

      • 33. (c) I label the solution as -48m/sec^2.  This is ridiculous.  It should be -48 ft/sec.

      • ​36: At one point I set delta equal to epsilon over 5, when I should have written epsilon over 6.

2. IN-CLASS WORK: Unit II Exam Review.

  • We will use these problems in class.

  • You can check your answers against this key.

  • Here's a video solution to #6.  (2min)

  • Here's a video solution to #7.  (5min)

  • Here's a video solution to part of #9.  (7 min)

3. POST-WORK: Unit II Exam Review.​

  • Watch:

    • Unit II Exam Review #12 part 1 video.  (15 min)

    • Unit II Exam Review #12 part 2 video​.  (5 min)

Class 2:  Tuesday

1.  PRE-WORK:  In preparation for the Unit II Exam complete:

2.  IN-CLASS WORK:  We will complete the Unit II Exam.

3.  POST-WORK:  None

Class 3: Wednesday

1.  PRE-WORK:  In preparation for the Unit II Exam complete:

2.  IN-CLASS WORK:  We will complete the Unit II Exam.

3.  POST-WORK:  None

Class 4: Thursday

1.  PRE-WORK:  Sec. 3.6 Derivatives as Rates of Change.

  • Complete these pre-notes for our Sec. 3.6 Derivatives as Rates of Change class.

  • To do so, watch:

2.  IN-CLASS WORK:  Sec. 3.6 Derivatives as Rates of Change.

  • We will use these notes for our Sec. 3.6 Implicit Differentiation class.

  • We will use this Desmos demonstration for # 10 in class.

  • We will use this Desmos demonstration for # 11 in class.

3.  POST WORK:  3.6 Derivatives as Rates of Change.

  • Watch this Recap of Rectilinear Motion video.  (20 min)

  • Work MLM Sec. 3.6 Homework.

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