Week 3
Monday 3 February Class:
1. PRE-WORK: Sec. 2.5 Limits at Infinity.
Fill out the pre-notes for our Sec. 2.5 Limits at Infinity class.
2. IN-CLASS WORK for: Sec. 2.5 Limits at Infinity.
We will use these notes in class.
3. POST-WORK for Sec. 2.5 Limits at Infinity.
Work MLM Sec. 2.5.
Tuesday 4 February Class:
1. PRE-WORK: Sec. 2.6 Continuity.
Fill out the pre-notes for our Sec. 2.6 Continuity class.
2.IN-CLASS WORK: Sec. 2.6 Continuity.
We will use these notes in class.
3. POST-WORK: Sec. 2.6 Continuity.
Watch: Sec. 2.6 Left and Right Continuity video. (7 min)
Watch: Sec. 2.6 MLM Example, video. (7 min)
If you're struggling with limits, watch Sec. 2.6 Extra Limit Practice, video. (20 min)
Work MLM Sec. 2.6 Homework.
Wednesday 5 February Class:
1. PRE-WORK: Exploring Graphs of Functions (2.6.5).
Fill out the prenotes for our Exploring Graphs of Functions class.
2. IN-CLASS WORK: Exploring Graphs of Functions (2.6.5)
We will use these notes for our Exploring Graphs of Functions class.
None. Begin the PRE-WORK for the next class.
Thursday 6 February Class:
1. PRE-WORK: Review For Unit I Exam.
Please complete these Unit I Exam Review.
Here is the KEY to the Unit I Exam Review
Errors in KEY: (If you find an error in the key not listed below, submit it for a bonus point.)
11 j. should read (-infty,-6),[-6,-2),(-2,2),(2,4),(4,infty). There was an error with the number 6, and intervals should be separated by a comma, not a union symbol.
10 b. the 9 was changed to a 3 prematurely. The work shows, 2(3+sqrt(0+3)) but it should read 2(3+sqrt(0+9)).
#17 Answer correct, at one point I only write a 6 instead of an x^6.
#30, At one point I list the limit as x approaches 1/4 from the right, but should say from the left when using the a*sin(pi*x).
2. IN-CLASS WORK: Review For Unit I Exam.
We will use these notes to review in class.
3. POST-WORK: Complete at least one Unit I Practice Exam
Summer 2019 and KEY
Fall 2018 and KEY (Note: #18 is not part of our Unit I content any longer)
Over the weekend: In addition to completing any assignments, spend 4 hours studying for Monday's Exam.