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Week 4

Monday 10 February Class:

1.  PRE-WORK:  In preparation for the Unit I Exam:

2.  IN-CLASS WORK:  We will complete the Unit I Exam Part 1 in Class

3.  POST-WORK:  Prepare for Unit I Exam Part II.


Tuesday 11 February Class:

1.  PRE-WORK:  In preparation for the Unit I Exam:

2.  IN-CLASS WORK:  We will complete the Unit I Exam Part 1 in Class

3.  Watch:  The Essence of Calculus, Chapter 1 by Grant Sanderson.  (17 min)

Wednesday 12 February Class:

1. PRE-WORK:  Sec. 2.7 Definition of the Limit.

  • Fill out the pre-notes for our Sec. 2.7 Definition of the Limit.

  • To do so, watch:

    • Sec. 2.7 ​Definition of the Limit video. (8 min)

    • Sec. 2.7 Epsilon Delta Strips video. (10 min)

    • Sec. 2.7 Proof of a limit video. (15 min)

    • Sec. 2.7 Repeat the Proof video. (7 min)

    • The Essence of Calculus, Chapter 7  by Grant Sanderson, starting at 5:14 and stopping at 11:38.  (6 min)

​2.IN-CLASS WORK: Sec. 2.7 Definition of the Limit.

  • We will use these notes in class.

3. POST-WORK: Sec. 2.7 Definition of the Limit.​

  • Here is a video proving the Sum Law.

  • Here is a video proving a limit is infinity.

  • Here is a demonstration of the epsilon-delta proof.

  • Work MLM Sec. 2.7 Homework.

Thursday 13 February Class:

1.  PRE-WORK:  Sec. 3.1 Derivatives at a Point.

  • Fill out these pre-notes for our Sec. 3.1 Derivatives at Point Class.

  • To do so, watch:

    • Sec. 3.1 Review of 2.1 video.​ (2 min)

    • Sec. 3.1 Take the Limit of the Difference Quotient video. (6 min)

    • Sec. 3.1 Compute the slope of a tangent line video.  (7 min)

    • Sec. 3.1 Compute the derivative at a point video.  (9 min)

2.  IN-CLASS WORK: Sec. 3.1 Derivative at a Point.

  • We will use these notes in class.

3. POST-WORK: Sec. 3.1 Derivative at a Point.​

  • Work MLM Sec. 3.1 Homework.

    • Here's a helpful video of a MLM Question.  (Textbook 3.1.29)

    • Here's a helpful video of another MLM Question  (Textbook 3.1.37).  

Over the weekend:  In addition to completing any assignments, spend 2 hours working on this week's IN-CLASS WORK.

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