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Recorded Lectures.

Spring 2024:

  • 18-Jan Intro to ODEs lecture pt. 2. Separation of variables here.

  • 23-January Finish Intro to ODEs lecture.  Finish Separation of variables lecture.  Matrix Properties Lecture here.

  • 25-January: Existence and Uniqueness Theorem. Euler's Method.  Here.

  • 30-January: Gaussian Elimination, Exact ODEs, and start of Euler Lagrange Method here

  • 1-February: Finish Euler Lagrange Method, Integrating Factor Technique, Mixing problems here.

  • 6-February: Bernoulli substitutions, reduction of order, inverse matrix theorem here.

  • 8-February: Linear and (euler) homogenous substitutions, autonomous ODEs and growth models here

  • 13-February: Power Series Solutions to ODEs Pt. 1 here. Exam I Review here.

  • 20-February: Determinants and start of Linear Independence here.

  • 16-April: Laplace Transform of Unit Step Function and my ramblings here

  • 19-April: Delaying Theorems of the Laplace Transform here.

  • 23-April: Laplace Transforms of systems of equations and the unit impulse function/Dirac delta function here.

  • 25-April: Laplace Transforms with delaying theorems, finish Dirac Delta, and examples, here.

Spring 2023

  • 17-Jan Intro to ODEs lecture pt. 1 (incomplete).

  • 19-Jan Intro to ODEs lecture pt. 2.

  • 19-Jan Separable Equations Pt. 2 lecture pt. 1.

  • 24-Jan Separable Equations Pt. 2 lecture pt. 2.

  • 24-Jan Matrix Properties lecture.

  • 24-Jan Picard's Existence Theorem lecture pt. 1.

  • 26-Jan entire lecture.

    • 26-Jan Picard's Existence Theorem lecture pt. 2.

    • 26-Jan Gaussian Elimination Pt. 2 lecture.​

  • 31-Jan entire lecture.

  • 2-Feb entire lecture.

Spring 2022

  • 8-March 2022; Continuing Basis and Dimension lecture.  

  • 10-March 2022; Finishing Basis and Dimension; Repeated and complex roots of Characteristic Equation lecture.  

  • 15-March 2022; Finish Characteristic Equation, start variation of Parameters lecture.

Spring 2021:

  • 1 February 2021:  Solving Exact Equations and Substitutions; Equilibrium solutions and Autonomous ODEs  lecture.  (Sec. 1.6 and 2.2)

Folks, here are some recorded lectures from Spring 2020.

Due to the nature of lecturing online, I did not edit these videos, nor are they always complete.  Feel free to let me know if you have questions.

  • 9 April 2020 Solving Linear Systems Pt. 1 lecture.  Quality: Poor

  • 14 April 2020 Solving Linear Systems Pt. 2 lecture.  Quality: Poor

  • 16 April 2020 Introduction to the Laplace Transform lecture.  Quality: Fair

  • 21 April 2020 Laplace Transform Pt. 2 lecture.  Quality:  Good

  • 30 April 2020 Laplace Transformations Pt. 3 lecture.  Quality:  Fair

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