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Notes By Date

16-January:  Here are your In-Class Notes covering the Intro to ODEs.


  • Please complete the following Pre-Work Assignments and upload them to Gradescope here.  Use this video as a guide.

    • Pre-Work (Review): Integration by Parts here.​

    • Pre-Work Solving Separable ODEs Pt. 1 here.

  • Here are your In-Class Notes

    • Solving Separable ODEs Pt. 2 here.​

    • Numerical Solutions: Euler's Method here.


  • Please complete Pre-Work ​

    • On-Your-Own: Matrices as Objects here.

    • On-Your-Own: Matrix Operations here

    • Overview of Partial Derivatives available here.

  • Here are your In-Class Notes:

    • Matrix Properties here.​

    • Picard's Existence Theorem here.


  • Please complete Pre-Work:

    • Gaussian Elimination Part 1 here.

  • Here are your In-Class Notes:

    • Gaussian Elimination Part 2 here.​

    • Numerical Solutions: Runge-Kutta here.


  • Please complete Pre-Work:​

    • ​Pre-Work: Solving Exact Equations Part 1 here.​

    • Pre-Work: Matrix Inversion here.

    • Pre-Work: Introduction to Superposition here.

  • Here are your In-Class Notes:​​

    • Solving Exact Equations Part 2 here.​

    • Solving by Euler/Lagrange method here.


  • Please complete Pre-Work:

    • Pre-Work: Solve Equations with Matrix Inversion here.​

    • Pre-Work: Solving by Integrating Factor Pt. 1 available here.  ​

  • Here are your In-Class Notes:

    • Solving by Integrating Factor Pt. 2 here.​

    • Solutions to Bernouli ODEs and Reduction of Order here.


  • Please complete Pre-Work:

    • Pre-Work: Partial Fraction Decomposition review here.​

    • Pre-Work: Solving Equations by Substitution Part 1 here.

    • Pre-Work: Review of Sequences, Series and Convergence here.

  • Here are your In-Class Notes:

    • Solving Equations by Substitution Part 2 here.​

    • The Inverse Matrix Theorem Part 1 here.


  • Please complete Pre-Work:

    • Pre-Work: Review of Taylor Series here.​

    • Pre-Work: Qualitative Solutions to Autonomous ODEs Pt. 1 here.

  • Here are your In-Class Notes:

    • Introduction to Power Series Solutions here.​

    • Qualitative Solutions to Autonomous ODEs Pt. 2 here.


  • Please complete Pre-Work:

    • Pre-Work: Determinants Part 1 here.

  • Here are the In-Class Notes:​

    • Determinants Part 2 here.

    • Exam I Review here.  ​


  • No Pre-Work.

  • We will take Exam I


  • Please complete this Pre-Work:

    • Pre-Work: Determinants Part 1 here. (FUTURE CHARLES, MOVE THIS BACK A DAY FOR SP25)

  • Here are the In-Class Notes:

    • Determinants Part 2 here.​ (FUTURE CHARLES, MOVE THIS BACK TWO DAYS FOR SP25)

    • Linear Independence here.



  • Please complete this Pre-Work:  

    • The Characteristic Equation Part 1 here.

    • Intro to Vector Spaces here. (FUTURE CHARLES, MOVE THIS BACK A DAY FOR SP25)

    • Cramer's Rule here. (FUTURE CHARLES, MOVE THIS BACK A DAY FOR SP25)

  • Here are the In-Class Notes:

    • The Characteristic Equation Part 2 here.​

    • Examples of Vector Spaces and Subspaces here.


  • Please complete this Pre-Work:

    • Review: Superposition here.​

    • Matrices as Linear Transformations here.

  • Here are the In-Class Notes

    • The Characteristic Equation Pt. 3 (Complex/Repeated Roots) here.​


  • Please complete this Pre-Work:

    • Method of Undetermined Coefficients Pt. 1​ here.

    • Basis and Dimension Part 1 here. ​(FUTURE CHARLES, MOVE THIS BACK TWO DAYS FOR SP25)

  • Here are the In-Class Notes

    • Method of Undetermined Coefficients Pt. 2 here.​

    • Basis and Dimension Part 2 here. (FUTURE CHARLES, MOVE THIS BACK ONE DAYFOR SP25)

    • The Harmonic Oscillator Pt. 1 here.


  • Please complete this Pre-Work:

    • The Harmonic Oscillator Pt. 2 here.​

    • Bases and the General Solution here.  (FUTURE CHARLES, MOVE THIS BACK ONE DAYFOR SP25)

  • Here are the In-Class Notes:

    • Power Series for Second Order here.​

    • Basis and Dimension Pt. 3. (FUTURE CHARLES, MOVE THIS BACK TWO DAYS FOR SP25)


  • Please complete this Pre-Work:

    • Variation of Parameters Pt. 1 here.​

    • Eigenstuff Pt. 1 here.

  • Here are the In-Class Notes:

    • Variation of Parameters Pt. 2 here.​

    • Eigenstuff Pt. 2 here.

Spring Break: No classes March 12th nor March 14th


  • Here is our In-Class Work:

    • Preparation for Exam II here.  


  • We will take Exam II.  Info here.


  • Please complete this Pre-Work:

    • Overview of Systems and Laplace here.​

  • Here are the In-Class Notes:

    • Finish Eigenstuff Pt. 2 here. 

    • Solving Homogeneous Systems, Pt. 1 here.​

    • Laplace Transforms, Pt. 1 here.


  • Please complete this Pre-Work:

    • Laplace and Systems (Continued) here.​

  • Here are the In-Class Notes:

    • Solving Homogeneous Systems, Pt. 2 here.​

    • Catch up old Laplace Notes.



  • Please complete this Pre-Work:

    • Overview of Systems and Laplace (Cont.)^2 here.​

  • We will work:

    • Solving Homogeneous Systems, Pt. 3 here.


  • Please complete this Pre-Work:

    • The Unit Step Function here.​ 

  • We will work:

    • Laplace Transforms with Step Functions here.​


  • There is no Pre-Work.  Instead, prepare for Exam III here.

  • In-Class we will review for Exam III

11-April: Exam III.  See Exam III materials here.


  • Please complete this Pre-Work:

    • The delaying theorems and additional Laplace Transforms here.​

    • Course Review #1 here.

  • We will work:

    • Laplace Transforms of Discontinuous Functions here. ​

    • (Not SP 24) Matrix Diagonalization here.


  • Please complete this Pre-Work:

    • Course Review #2 here.​

  • We will work:

    • Laplace Transforms of Discontinuous Functions here. ​

    • (Not SP 24) Intro to non-linear systems Pt. 1 here.


  • Please complete this Pre-Work:

    • Course Review #3 here.

    • Course Review #4 here.​

  • We will work:

    • The Unit Impulse Function here.​

    • (Not SP 24) Intro to non-linear systems Pt. 2 here.


  • Please complete this Pre-Work:

    • Course Review #5 here.​

  • We will work:

    • Applications of Systems of Equations here.​

    • Catch-Up


  • Please Complete this Pre-Work:

    • Course Review #6 here.

    • We will work:

      • Q&A based on reviewing final exam materials found here.​


  • Pre-Work: none. Study for Final

  • We will work:

    • Final Exam​

  • Post-Work:

    • Enroll in another math course.​

    • Do something fun that you didn't have time to do during the semester.

    • Crack open a favorite beverage, like sarsaparilla.

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